Salty to the Albacore - About Me

Salty Beginnings!

I was born in Brevard County, Florida and raised by what can only be described as a "coven" of SALTY women....and very patient fathers. The women in my family had their own individual “flavor” of SALT.  As I get older, I can see just how many pinches I took from each of them... 

Why Tuna?

This is a question I would never have had to answer years ago and especially not if I had stayed in Brevard County.... I AM TUNA!  My aunt Nancy named me TUNA when I was infant fish, or “fry”,  if you like. The name stuck and it stuck hard!  It seemed that Aunt Nancy involved the entire county in my “catchy” nickname. Thanks to the good people at Starkist for creating “Charlie” and enthusiastic family at Publix, I was branded!  The real story of how “TUNA” came to be is somewhat of an urban legend today. There’s talk of a documentary, but …I think I’ll hold out for that Netflix money.

This is Art…Get it?

Am I an artist? Well, here’s the thing…. My soul is an artist, I feel it. Channeling that, on the other hand, is a work in process.  So, I guess, I would say that I am creative, and I have an elegant and unconventional style (two pinches of Mama(son) salt…).  My work is not precise; some days it is a series of happy accidents. So, I'll leave you with this: the definition of Art is “the expression or application of human creative skills and imagination”. So, yeah folks, it’s art!

Get it?

“Don’t think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art.”

– Andy Warhol